Howard Gardner developed the Theory of Multiple Intelligence to document the fact that human beings have very different kinds of intellectual strengths and these strengths forms the basis of their learning style. According to him the different intelligences are
linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, musical, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
To be simple, not everyone learns best by reading and writing, some learn better through actually doing, some finds easy to understand the concept when given as pictures. It is very important to know how kids learn and represent things in their minds, and then how they use them in order to show what it is that they've understood.
In a class of thirty kids it is highly difficult to address individual child's learning style in a forty minute period. It is possible for a teacher to ensure at the end of the unit at least one or two activities match each child's learning style.
Take for an instance, Grade I, Environmental Science,
Topic - Plants and Trees
Subtopic - Common plants in neighbourhood
Suggested activities:
Though millions of people live on this earth, we are physically unique; there's an intellectual uniqueness too. Lets explore the child's uniqueness instead of grading and comparing :)
linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, musical, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
To be simple, not everyone learns best by reading and writing, some learn better through actually doing, some finds easy to understand the concept when given as pictures. It is very important to know how kids learn and represent things in their minds, and then how they use them in order to show what it is that they've understood.
In a class of thirty kids it is highly difficult to address individual child's learning style in a forty minute period. It is possible for a teacher to ensure at the end of the unit at least one or two activities match each child's learning style.
Take for an instance, Grade I, Environmental Science,
Topic - Plants and Trees
Subtopic - Common plants in neighbourhood
Suggested activities:
- Take the children to the school garden
- Allow them to observe the different kinds of plants and trees - Kinesthtic, Interpersonal, Visual
- Back to classroom and ask the kids to list the observed plants and trees - Linguistic
- Tabulate the list under plants and trees - Logical
- End the class with a song about trees or plants - Musical ( I would suggest Karadi Rhymes - Neem, Peepal, Banyan )
Though millions of people live on this earth, we are physically unique; there's an intellectual uniqueness too. Lets explore the child's uniqueness instead of grading and comparing :)
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